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November weight loss challenge 2014 -

21-12-2016 à 09:30:14
November weight loss challenge 2014
Please check the event website for more details. Event details and schedule There are 2 parts of this event. I must remind you this weight loss challenge is FREE. During this event, we are using free apps to track your miles to make sure you are covering the miles you say you are and to hold you accountable. If you lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks, you at least get your money back. This prize will go to the person who was very consistent with their posting on the site and updating their status. Your Choice of a Gift card to Whole Foods, Teavna, or Onzie (Yoga Fitness Wear for women). The more miles you do, the more you receive. The second part of this event, if you choose to do it, is bet on yourself. 1 Hour Skype or Phone Call with PrettyKeli to have all of your health and fitness questions answered. Follow the Challenge: follow PrettyKeli on Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook for all of the latest up to the minute updates. Step 1: Read all of the rules below and consult with your physician before taking on the challenge. Saturday, November 1, 2014 - Monday, December 1, 2014. Check in daily Comment on the post of the day. Weight Loss Challenge of 2014 is about to begin, are you ready. Saturday, November 1, 2014 - Monday, December 1, 2014.

All of these prizes were created to help you continue to live a healthy lifestyle. A Health and fitness basket designed by PrettyKeli along with a custom 7 day workout plan. If you happen to see this post after, you can still take on the challenge, but you will not be eligible to win prizes if you join after the 4th. Home Blog Weight Loss Fitness Nutrition Lifestyle Services Weight Loss Services YouTube Services Affiliate Sign Up Contact Chat FAQ Ask Ask Me Anything Questions Answered Shop My Account Remember Me Register. The other Challenge is a weight loss challenge and a bet. With all prizes there will be friend prizes as well. The first one is cover the mileage you sign up for and receive at least a medal. So remember the more people that join with you, the more chances you all have to win and shed the pounds. As well as a Gift basket filled with exercise and fitness goodies hand picked by PrettyKeli and a Free 14 day Workout Plan from PrettyKeli. You have the option (not required) to put money in a pot and if you lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks, you get to share the money with those that hit their weight loss goals. Start Date: The Weight loss challenge will begin on July 1st. This prize is for a winner that will be picked randomly from the list of women who enter the weight loss challenge. The awesome thing about this challenge is if you win, not only will you win, but anybody (up to 10 people) you sign up will win prizes as well. End Date: The weight loss challenge will end on July 14th. Lose weight, get a medal, and possibly a shirt, necklace and money.

November weight loss challenge 2014 video:

November weight loss challenge 2014
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